
Nomadic Bazaar

Yulin, with its mountains and water, has been a Mongolian-Chinese border fortress since ancient times, and is a tourist circle of Mongolian steppe nomadic culture, with a long history and a rich and prosperous market trade in peaceful times; We hope to create a set of urban furniture that “recalls” the lively nomadic market in the city-style section and responds to the complex layers of market culture in a rich but flexible way. We wanted to respond to the complex layers of marketplace culture.
在设计策略上,以1m*1m的尺度作为城市家具的基本模块单元,拼接组合成功能丰富的城市家具,其中包含美食药膳摊车档位(1.明档;2.土特产;3.中医药展览)及后勤档位(1. 休憩平台座位;2.单车停放;3.工具储存;4.儿童游乐),以此营造热闹的市井街巷氛围。以市井风貌段街巷肌理作为骨架,结合模块化家具的空间尺度,在整条街上形成三大节点增强空间尺度的层次感,提供更丰富的市集体验;可于凌云亭登高望远,俯瞰整个古街;可于游云棚参加集市活动,穿越古今交错的空间;停至栖云台,静坐片刻,在古楼的脚下观一场演出,感古今之沧桑……
The design strategy is to use the scale of 1m*1m as the basic modular unit of urban furniture, and to put together and combine them into a functionally rich urban furniture, which includes food and medicine stall stalls (1. open stalls, 2. packaged local products, 3. Chinese medicine lattice exhibition) and logistics area (1. resting platform seats, 2. bicycle parking, 3. tool storage, 4. children’s play), so as to create a lively atmosphere of the market street. The city style section of the street texture as a skeleton, combined with the modular furniture space scale, in the whole street to form three nodes to enhance the hierarchy of space scale, to provide a richer market experience; can be at the Lingyun Pavilion to climb the heights, overlooking the entire ancient street; can participate in the bazaar activities in the tour of the cloud scaffolding, through the ancient and modern intertwined space; stop to Quyundai, sit quietly for a moment, at the foot of the ancient building to watch a show, feel the vicissitudes of the ancient and modern…
We hope that the design of this set of urban furniture will allow pedestrians to “access” the nearest spatial interest point along the street at any time and enjoy the continuous close contact and interaction between the body and the public life of the city. 
TYPOLOGY 类型| 城市更新 Urban Renewal
LOCATION 地点| 陕西省榆林市卫城大街 Weicheng Avenue, Yulin, Shaanxi Province, China
CLIENT 业主| 都市更新(北京)控股集团有限公司 Urban Renewal (Beijing) Holding Group Ltd.
YEAR 时间|2022
STATUS 状态| 竞赛入围奖 Competition Finalists
SIZE 面积|approx. 3200㎡