

Residential Gifts form Chengdu — a community buyer’s store located in Tianfu Social Innovation, a landmark of social innovation in Chengdu, integrates non-heritage products from surrounding districts and counties and a collection of multiple brands. Through spatial re-planning, the furniture has been researched, developed and updated to meet the needs of different brand displays, while reserving space for activities for the buyer’s store, so that different spatial possibilities can be accommodated within a limited 50 square meters. It accommodates different spatial possibilities and revitalizes the community.
The original design originated from the consideration of the residential houses in the area, and the enclosed inner courtyard as the basic type of local architecture and the memory of the place was integrated into the consideration of this design. As a starting point for activating tourism in the area, the design hopes to resolve the contradiction between the old inward-looking enclosed courtyard and the new demand for public openness. The design takes advantage of the topography and inherits the layout of the inner courtyard form in the plan: while in the profile, it opens up the space to the riverbank by sloping the courtyard, creating a new interaction between nature and architecture.
As a carrier to activate rural tourism, the design not only provides the function of B&B, but also provides public functions such as bookstore, teahouse, meeting room, etc. as tourism infrastructure, which will stimulate and promote the development of local tourism, and at the same time, the collection of these public facilities will also carry the villagers’ daily activities, and the bookstore and the villagers’ chess and cards activity room will open up for the villages and alleys, which will serve as the “Village Living Room” and take part in the daily life of the villagers.
TYPOLOGY 类型| 乡村振兴  Rural Revitalization, 公共建筑 Public Building, 居住 Residential
LOCATION 地点| 浙江省松阳县  Songyang county, Zhejiang, China
CLIENT 业主| 松阳县人民政府  Government of Songyang county
YEAR 时间|2023
STATUS 状态|竞赛三等奖 Competition Third Prize