
Endless Pedestrian Bridge

The two corridors, in this case, are part of the sky corridor system, which is one of the important scenarios for building the future buildings and future stations in Longhua District, and its significance is an urban area business card for Longhua District, showing Longhua style to people visiting Shenzhen North Station, which is the “core of the future city”.
The Sky Link connects the city’s key facilities, including the metro, bus station, city hall, parks, the city’s convention center, the city waterfront, libraries, and large shopping centers. The pleasant pedestrian environment of the skywalk encourages people to walk to work and lays the foundation for building a green and sustainable urban space in the future.
该人行天桥以深圳北站这样一个城市大型门户为依托,具备成为一个城市和区域标志性建筑的基础条件,也肩负着彰显龙华区乃至整个深圳市精神的重任,在满足解决城市基本问题的基础功能性作用上,还需要从设计上将其 打造成为一个门户和标志性建筑。
The pedestrian bridge is based on a large urban gateway such as Shenzhen North Station, which has the basic conditions to become a city and regional landmark and also has the important task to manifest the spirit of Longhua District and even the whole Shenzhen City, which needs to be designed to become a gateway and landmark in addition to its basic functional role to solve the basic problems of the city.

TYPOLOGY 类型桥梁 Bridge
LOCATION 地点| 深圳市龙华区 Longhua District, Shenzhen,  China
CLIENT 业主| 深圳市龙华区建筑工程工务署 Shenzhen Longhua District Construction Engineering Public Works Department
YEAR 时间|2021
STATUS 状态| 竞赛二等奖 Competition 2nd Prize
SIZE 面积|approx. 1000㎡
TEAM 团队| 唐倩文 TANG Qianwen,周柯地 ZHOU Kedi
深圳茅桥集团有限公司 Shenzhen Maoqiao Group Co.

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