

In this case “hidden in the Diaolou Museum B&B” as a design concept, the study of the construction of the towers and architectural elements, re-organized the architectural space to “towers” to design a “towers B&B “, in order to visit visitors to the Diaolou and overseas Chinese towers and an immersive dialogue. All commercial facilities will be developed around the remains of the towers, forming an innovative village commercial and public facilities with towers as the core.
Overseas Chinese watchtower and Lingnan residential architecture, recording the rise and fall of Tongkou’s architectural and cultural treasures over the past hundred years, walking around between the towers and homes, as if in a living museum, immersed in this unique local cultural atmosphere.
The new B&B and its business group to towers as the architectural prototype, extracted the composition of the form of the window and door construction, re-organization, and in the spatial layout through the original “hundred years towers” historical sites formed a visual link between the public space and rooms in the B&B can frame the view of the towers, is to live in the new towers in the remote view of the historical sites, so that the new Building and cultural relics to form a dialogue, the maximum respect for the original site, but also reflects the “Diaolou Museum” design concept.
At the same time, Zili Village has a large area of rural fields and natural landscape, the case hopes to make the most of the natural landscape to bring people a comfortable experience, through the way to the view of the fields into the comfortable scenery, soothing the tired body and mind of guests who come from far away from the city.


Dwelling in the museum – space to see
Watchtower heritage is the living exhibits of the museum. In order to realize the concept of “living in a museum”, each B&B room can be viewed from the window of the towers, is the primary principle of space design. Thanks to the natural conditions of the site and the distribution of towers in a favorable location, scattered throughout the B&B towers, through the lifting, rotation, demolition and independent window opening these techniques, very smoothly achieved so that each room visitors can open a window overlooking the towers, to achieve the feeling of living in a museum.
Dwelling in the museum – heritage reproduction
Watchtower unique spatial experience and façade shape is a valuable architectural essence of the towers, the museum design hopes that by allowing the audience to freely walk through the towers space, so as to appreciate the towers, feel the towers. In the design approach, the first floor of the towers space replica reconstruction, reinterpretation with modern techniques, several different replica towers space scattered in the museum, forming an open-air atrium, linking up the indoor business flow, so that the audience from beginning to end are walking through the towers, so as to achieve the effect of immersive exhibition. Light pours down from the atrium of the towers, illuminating the indoor space of the museum, blurring the boundaries of exhibits and architecture, making people wonder: the biggest exhibit of the museum is the museum building itself. The indoor commercial space is distributed around the “Diaolou Atrium” to link up the entire flow, with free space dotted with creative and specialty shopping booths, and service facilities such as cafes and information desks, so that every visitor can have a comfortable experience.
Dwelling in the museum – idyllic scenery
The east side of the site is inherently isolated from the main group on the west side, but the open and beautiful rural landscape on the east side turns this disadvantage into a unique geographical advantage. The restaurant, shared by the B&B and the museum, occupies the ground floor of the east site, with a continuous graceful arcade facing the open fields, providing a long and beautiful natural landscape for restaurant diners. The three towers of the mid-range B&B rooms stand on top of each other, overlooking the towers’ heritage to the west to feel the richness of history; to the east, overlooking the vast and beautiful fields to absorb the spirit of nature.
TYPOLOGY 类型 公共建筑 Public Building;居住 Residential;改造 Renovation
LOCATION 地点| 广东开平 Kaiping, Guangdong, China
CLIENT 业主| 开平政府 Government of Kaiping, Guangdong
YEAR 时间|2021
STATUS 状态| 竞赛优胜奖 Competition – Honourable Mention
SIZE 面积|approx. 2700㎡